What Can Cause a Magnet to Lose Its Magnetism
Your link explicitly states the cause of loss of magnetism is heat. Answer 1 of 2. Magnetism Intro Ppt Download Removal of a charged magnet from its circuit and trade may cause the magnets working incline to fall. . What Causes a Permanent Magnet to Lose Its Magnetism. A permanent magnet can lose its magnetism if it has been dropped or jolted in certain circumstances causing the domains to drift out of alignment. This process aligns the domains and the result is a magnet. 13 Can magnets spin a fan. First of all magnets will lose its power over time but it takes a lifetime for it to lose just a little bit so it probably wont be that reason that makes you magnet weaken out. When the magnet is exposed to high amounts of heat above the Curie point for the ferromagnetic materials they can lose the magnetism. Lastly permanent magnets do lose some strength with time but we understand that the effect of time alone